Origin of al-Burdah al-Hasaniyya wa’l Husayniyya

  Shaykh Salih mentioned: Once I entered the maqam and greeted our master Imam al-Husayn, upon him be peace. He replied to my greeting saying, ‘Peace be upon you, O' Salih.’ Hearing his greeting me is better to me than this world and everything in it. So I came one day as is my habit and entered the maqam and greeted him, but he did not…

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The Noble Guardians

The Noble Guardians of the Lessons of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (as related by Shaykh Dr. Fathi Hijazi)   "One time, someone said “Sidna Shaykh, I saw my Lord in a dream”. The Shaykh said to him “Ya Salam! Are you better than the Prophet Musa? (Peace be upon him)”, he [continued and] said to him “If you saw a light in your dream, perhaps it is…

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Visiting Ahl al-Bayt

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari mentions in vol 9 of the Friday Lessons: Allah has given the people of pure soul spiritual gifts in order that they see the secrets (asrar), and the people of those gifts, their souls speak with each other. When we enter the maqam of our master, Imam al-Husayn, we see a light like the sun. We asked the Imam: ‘What is this…

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I Know My Lineage

  Once, when Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari saw our master Husayn in a vision, the Shaykh said, “O my Master, do you know who I am? I belong to you and am a descendent of al-Sayyid Ja’far al-Sadiq”, to which Imam Husayn replied, “I know the lineage of our master Noah, Sam, Ham and Yafeeth, so how can I not know any of my children and progeny?”…

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Restrain them! Restrain them!

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  Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari said, “Shaykh Hamid al-Faqi used to give a lesson in the masjid of our Master al-Husayn. I was sitting in the gathering wearing a normal galabiyya and a hat (not his usual attire of the Azhari cloak and turban), and Shaykh al-Faqi was attacking the lovers of our Master al-Husayn. Due to my appearance, nobody knew that I was a scholar and…

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First Permission is Required

  When al-Hajj Abu al-‘Alaa` al-Hindawi wanted to take the Path from Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari, he visited him and sought permission. Shaykh Salih said to him, “My son, [traversing] the Path is by permission. First permission is required.” Hajj al-Hindawi began to think that the required permission is from the Ministry of Religious Endowments or perhaps from a senior management council. So he said to Shaykh…

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We love people who are lovers

  • Post category:Legacy

From a collection of stories gathered by students of Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari concerning the shaykh's teachings and experiences with our master al-Husayn. "I heard Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari say in a lesson, “I used to visit our Master al-Husayn and I used to ask him questions on matters of knowledge which were submitted to me in the Noble Azhar, and they were important questions of knowledge. While…

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