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Origin of al-Burdah al-Hasaniyya wa’l Husayniyya

maqam al-Husayn


Shaykh Salih mentioned: Once I entered the maqam and greeted our master Imam al-Husayn, upon him be peace. He replied to my greeting saying, ‘Peace be upon you, O’ Salih.’

Hearing his greeting me is better to me than this world and everything in it. So I came one day as is my habit and entered the maqam and greeted him, but he did not return my greeting. I sat in my normal place and I was so sad and worried that I began to cry until sleep overcame me while I was there at the maqam. I saw him in my sleep and he said, ‘Why are you crying o’ shaykh Salih?’ I said, ‘O’ my master I did not hear you return my greeting as normal.’

He said,’How can you mention me in the qasida and not mention my brother al-Hasan while he is never separate from me by even a hair?’

I awoke from my dream and went swiftly to my home and I didn’t sleep at all that night until I had completed the qasida. I added Imam al-Hasan, may Allah be pleased with him, in it and many of my ancestors from Ahl al-Bayt, Allah be pleased with them all. For example the line,

“Patience and clemency in Hasan is his natural disposition  *  What has come regarding his reconciling between armies suffices you

The Caliphate ended with him as narrated  *  From the Prophet and it ceased after their rule”

And I continued mentioning his virtues. When I completed it, I went to the maqam of Imam al-Husayn and greeted him, he returned my greeting.

I said, ‘O my master I have composed the qasida.’

He said to me while he was joyous and pleased, ‘Let me hear it.’

So, I began reciting and every line he would said to me, ‘More!’

When I completed he indicated to me with his finger and said to me, ‘Publish it.’

I said, ‘O my master, what should I call it?’

He said, ‘Name it al-Burdah al-Hasaniyya wa’l-Husayniyya.’


al-Burdah al-Hasaniyya wa’l Husayniyya