Invitation Towards Imam Ali

    Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Ja'fari notes: I heard Sidna Shaykh Abd al-Ghani say, “Mawlana Shaykh Salih wrote the qasida ‘al-Ja’fariyyu lahu fi hubbikum ‘amalun’ and in it he mentioned Mawlana al-Imam Hasan and Mawlana al-Imam al-Husayn. When Mawlana Shaykh Salih had gone to sleep, he saw his grandfather, Sayyidina al-Imam ‘Ali (may Allah ennoble his countenance and be well pleased with him) who said to…

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Origin of al-Burdah al-Hasaniyya wa’l Husayniyya

  Shaykh Salih mentioned: Once I entered the maqam and greeted our master Imam al-Husayn, upon him be peace. He replied to my greeting saying, ‘Peace be upon you, O' Salih.’ Hearing his greeting me is better to me than this world and everything in it. So I came one day as is my habit and entered the maqam and greeted him, but he did not…

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The Gladdening of the Heart

Shaykh Salih says in the intro to the print of this poem titled: The Gladdening of the Heart of the People of Love and Affection in the Praise of the Family of the Best of Mankind (also known as Ahlu Bayti 'l Mustafa): (مفرحة الفؤاد لاهل الحب والوداد في مدح آل بيت خير العباد)  "Some of the brothers saw Sayyidah Fatimah (peace be upon her)  in…

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The Accepted Qaseedah

  • Post category:Qasidahs

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari said of Qasida al-Maqbula: I did not name this qasida to be al-Maqbula (the accepted [poem]) except after Sayyiduna Rasulullah ﷺ accepted this poem when I presented it to him ﷺ. The Shaykh also mentioned that the true lover who recites this qasida will be blessed with the ziyarah (visitation of the Prophet ﷺ). Arabic-English full Arabic recitation

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