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The Station of Inheritance

Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari leaning on wall


“If you traverse the path of a guide and love him, his state that he was upon in this life transfers to you, meaning that your soul acts similarly to him. If he was a scholar, then your soul will incline to knowledge, if he was in seclusion then your soul will incline to seclusion. If he was inwardly secluded but among people, then your soul will incline to the same. If he was enraptured, then your soul will incline to rapture. If he was engrossed in the recitation of the Qurʾan, teaching and studying it, then your soul will incline to that. This will all be until your life in this world becomes like the life of your guide. This is what is called the station of inheritance – it comes through love, the recitation of the litanies, and following in the footsteps of the guide. Everything else that the guide in his life would not do, he is in the barzakh realm and does not like it or the one who does it. We seek refuge in Allah from that.”

From The Bountiful Treasure: The Life and Spiritual Methodology of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari