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The Middle Path


The Imam of the Azhar Mosque, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (d. 1979), may Allah be pleased with him and please him, wrote:

“Among the favours of Allah – most high- upon me is that I was once sitting in the Noble Rawda between the Maghrib and Isha prayers, my eyes closed, invoking blessings upon the Prophet, ﷺ. I heard his voice – ﷺ – from the Noble Rawda:

((عظ الناس من غير تفريط ولا إفراط))

“Preach to the people, without excess or negligence.”

At that moment I understood the statement of the Abbasid Caliph Abu Ja’far al-Mansur to Imam Malik- may Allah be pleased with him- :

“Compose a book of hadith and make it muwatta’ (accessible) for the people.”

It means: Do not make matters too difficult nor too lax, for the best of matters is the middle path.


(originally from