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The Greatest Miracle

The resplendent moon of the age, Sayyidi Shaykh Abd al-Ghani said:
إن تلاميذ الشيخ صالح هم كرامته الكبرى
The [committed] students of Shaykh Salih are his greatest miracle.
Fom the science of Tasawwuf and indeed the Prophetic Sunnah, we know that knowledge is of the greatest legacy for a person to pass on.
It is well known that great Shaykhs have bequeathed that which was beloved to them and is often known as the secret or miracle of the Shaykh. As such, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari has bequeathed knowledge and the inspiration to pursue that knowledge; to each and every one of his murids and students.
Our Shaykh, Imam al-Ja’fari said:
My path is the Qur’an, [the seeking and application of beneficial] knowledge and God-consciousness, and praising the Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam), [which is] the eraser of all misguidance.