Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Salih said: “Sidna Shaykh Abd al-Ghani used to say that du‘a is the heart of worship, and as such, he advised us to make as much du‘a as one possibly could during the first 10 days of Dhul Hjjjah. Sidna Shaykh Abd al-Ghani would address in his Sermon on the Day of Arafa (as a Hajj pilgirm): how Allah, Sublime and Exalted is He, gathered these nations, in their different colours, races and languages at a specific place, wearing the same clothing; all making du‘a for the mercy and forgiveness of their Lord and Creator. Our Shaykh would recommend that every person makes the utmost effort to receive the maximum benefit of this blessed opportunity of supplicating in the days of Dhul Hijjah (especially the Day of Arafa) and how Allah has chosen and invited the pilgrims to Himself but also chosen and invited the rest of the Muslims around the world to Himself, by affording them the opportunity to supplicate for their needs. Allah is aware of all-things but still Allah the Exalted loves those who ask him – so ask Him for whatever you want!”.
Shaykh Muhammad Salih continues: “With this in mind, it is poignant and wise for the believer ask for their needs and beseech Allah by His Most Beautiful Names on the Day of ‘Arafa – making tahlil, takbir and tahmid. Our Mashayekh have said that the opportune time for du‘a is between dhuhr and maghreb – but it can be done at any time throughout the daylight hours.”
The ‘Jalibat al-Faraj’ is a rhyming du‘a written by Shaykh Salih al-Jaʿfari beseeching Allah the Exalted by His lofty and virtuous attributes. It has been prescribed by our teachers and the teachers of other paths, to read this in times of spiritual, physical and mental needs.
Download it here: https://lightoftheazhar.com/…/Jalibat-al-Faraj-(ar…