Witnessing the Prophet ﷺ

Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari commenting on the lines from the Salat al-Azeemiyya: ...and join him with me, just as You joined the spirit with the soul, outwardly and inwardly, in wakefulness and in sleep and make him, O Lord, a soul for my body in every aspect... Join, in my essence, between his perfect attributes ﷺ and my deficient egotistical attributes, like you joined between the perfect…

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Your Shaykh is Your Ship!

From the counsels of Shaykh Muhammad Salih: "Your Shaykh is your ship! He is the vessel on which you cross the oceans to reach the Beloved ﷺ. Your Shaykh is the means by which you reach the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, who in turn will take you into the presence of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He). Your Shaykh is the ship by which you will…

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The Compendium

    Amazon Link: The Compendium Our shaykh, Sayyid Salih al-Ja’farī is becoming more known in the West, largely through his poetry. However, not much is known about the shaykh's spiritual path and its methodology. This book is a collection of information about the spiritual path of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’farī, known as: al-Ṭarīqa al-Ja’farīyya al-Aḥmadiyya al-Muḥammadiyya (named after Shaykh Salih al-Ja’farī, Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idrīs and…

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The Station of Inheritance

  "If you traverse the path of a guide and love him, his state that he was upon in this life transfers to you, meaning that your soul acts similarly to him. If he was a scholar, then your soul will incline to knowledge, if he was in seclusion then your soul will incline to seclusion. If he was inwardly secluded but among people, then your…

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Forthcoming Publications

  • Post category:Legacy

    One of the driving goals of www.lightoftheazhar.com is to bring the legacy, works and teaching of Sayyid Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari to the English speaking audience. To that end these are the projects we hope to bring to fruition. Please pray for us that we are granted Divine success in these endeavors.   Forthcoming Publications permalink: https://lightoftheazhar.com/forthcoming-publications/ 2021 THE LUMINOUS MOONS (al-Aqmar al-Nuraniyya) Summarized Sira\Mawlid…

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I only know our Lord!

  Shaykh Ali Gomaa narrates an incident regarding Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari: People would come to Shaykh Salih at the Noble Azhar seeking from him the fulfillment of some of their needs. As the shaykh was the Imam of al-Azhar, they considered it was possible that he had connections to some of the officials, ministers, etc. One day someone came to Shaykh Salih saying, by the honor…

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Importance of Knowledge

“The Jaʿfarī ṭarīqa is built upon knowledge and erected upon the acquisition of knowledge and is spread among the people by means of knowledge. Such that its shaykh, Imam al-Jaʿfarī, made attending lessons of knowledge from among its awrād, which the disciples of the ṭarīqa preserve in their gatherings… The Shaykh clarifies, in a clear picture, that the seeker in this ṭarīqa will not have its…

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