Realization Through the Prophet ﷺ

After mentioning the best method of sending blessings on the Prophet ﷺ see: The Magnificent Bequest Shaykh Salih mentions the spiritual ascent and result of devoting oneself to the Prophet ﷺ. "Know that he ﷺ is the goal and highest aim which causes the arrival to the Divine witnessing, which is beyond comprehension and what is perceptible through the senses. By his light ﷺ and by arrival…

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Visiting Ahl al-Bayt

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari mentions in vol 9 of the Friday Lessons: Allah has given the people of pure soul spiritual gifts in order that they see the secrets (asrar), and the people of those gifts, their souls speak with each other. When we enter the maqam of our master, Imam al-Husayn, we see a light like the sun. We asked the Imam: ‘What is this…

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The Station of Inheritance

  "If you traverse the path of a guide and love him, his state that he was upon in this life transfers to you, meaning that your soul acts similarly to him. If he was a scholar, then your soul will incline to knowledge, if he was in seclusion then your soul will incline to seclusion. If he was inwardly secluded but among people, then your…

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I only know our Lord!

  Shaykh Ali Gomaa narrates an incident regarding Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari: People would come to Shaykh Salih at the Noble Azhar seeking from him the fulfillment of some of their needs. As the shaykh was the Imam of al-Azhar, they considered it was possible that he had connections to some of the officials, ministers, etc. One day someone came to Shaykh Salih saying, by the honor…

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Foundations of the Path: Knowledge and Qur’an

"The Beloved ﷺ would guide the people with religious lessons and the Magnificent Quran, and our shaykh Ahmad b. Idris followed him in that, and he guides the people by the Noble Quran and 'ilm and he persisted in that until he met his Lord. I have asked Allah to make me in conformity with what our shaykh was upon. So it is necessary for our…

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