Allah Will Complete It

  • Post category:Legacy

  “Allāh has favoured me with the compilation of this honorable mawlid at the Islāmic University of al-Azhar. I have shortened and summarized some aspects of the biography of our master and leader, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ. In the beginning of composing it, I saw our master Jibrīl عليه السلام in a clear vision. I greeted him and asked him for supplication, so he said…

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The Luminous Moons

  • Post category:Legacy

  This masterful, transformative work of Seerah is now available for the first time in the English language. In the tradition of classical Seerah literature, this text contains a mixture of biographical facts, discussion of metaphysical realities, extracts from Qur’an and Hadith, as well as poetry, drawing both from great poets of the past and the compositions of the author. Perhaps the most striking aspect of…

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al-Husayn and Madih

  During the mawlid of our master al-Husayn, Shaykh Salih relates: “I entered the maqam of my master al-Husayn and stood in the direction of the qibla and said, ‘Yesterday I came (here) but I did not find you’, to which our master al-Husayn replied ‘I am here for you, o lovers of the Ahlul Bayt! I am here for you! I am watching you when…

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