Benefits of Knowledge

Benefits of Knowledge and benefiting others Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari says: The fruits of seclusion (khalwa) are wondrous and strange! At the beginning of the path I had a 1000-count masbaha, and stayed inside my khalwa for ten days, but nothing happened, and reverent stillness (qunut) did not enter my heart. But on the tenth day, I saw wonders and marvels- that lasted for a minute! Then…

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Importance of Knowledge

“The Jaʿfarī ṭarīqa is built upon knowledge and erected upon the acquisition of knowledge and is spread among the people by means of knowledge. Such that its shaykh, Imam al-Jaʿfarī, made attending lessons of knowledge from among its awrād, which the disciples of the ṭarīqa preserve in their gatherings… The Shaykh clarifies, in a clear picture, that the seeker in this ṭarīqa will not have its…

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