No one is allowed to be seen besides them!

When one of the brothers would ask for his interpretation of a vision they had of him, he would tell them “My son, this is Sayyida Zaynab” or “Our Shaykh, Sayyidina al-Husayn”, rather than say it was of himself. On one occasion, Hajj Sayed Musa said to Shaykh Salih “Mawlana, I saw you in a vision and you said such and such”, to which the Shaykh…

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Husayn and Hadra

  A Sudanese man visited Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari and said, "I am going to visit our master Imam al-Husayn before the Hadra", to which the Shaykh replied, "stay here, our master Imam al-Husayn will come to us and be present for the Hadra". So the man sat down for the gathering and saw our master Imam al-Husayn and the Ahlul Bayt. He rejoiced with great joy…

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al-Husayn and Madih

  During the mawlid of our master al-Husayn, Shaykh Salih relates: “I entered the maqam of my master al-Husayn and stood in the direction of the qibla and said, ‘Yesterday I came (here) but I did not find you’, to which our master al-Husayn replied ‘I am here for you, o lovers of the Ahlul Bayt! I am here for you! I am watching you when…

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