Origin of the Poem Benefit for the Masses

  Shaykh Ahmad Sayih wrote, In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate On a day of Friday, after Maghrib, while [Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari] was walking back from the Old Qibla (of the Azhar Mosque, where he led the prayer), his student Hajj Muhammad Ali Yasin came to him. He greeted him and kissed his hand and then said to him, ‘Oh mawlana,…

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Benefit for the Masses

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari says regarding the science of theology: ‘As knowledge of theology is the first obligation upon every legally responsible person, I have mentioned here the explanation of the statement of monotheism, so that the reader can remove themselves from the yoke of blind following, that scholars have said of such a person that their faith is not free of some doubt. However, if…

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