The Gladdening of the Heart

Shaykh Salih says in the intro to the print of this poem titled: The Gladdening of the Heart of the People of Love and Affection in the Praise of the Family of the Best of Mankind (also known as Ahlu Bayti 'l Mustafa): (مفرحة الفؤاد لاهل الحب والوداد في مدح آل بيت خير العباد)  "Some of the brothers saw Sayyidah Fatimah (peace be upon her)  in…

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Visiting Ahl al-Bayt

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari mentions in vol 9 of the Friday Lessons: Allah has given the people of pure soul spiritual gifts in order that they see the secrets (asrar), and the people of those gifts, their souls speak with each other. When we enter the maqam of our master, Imam al-Husayn, we see a light like the sun. We asked the Imam: ‘What is this…

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Restrain them! Restrain them!

  • Post category:Legacy

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari said, “Shaykh Hamid al-Faqi used to give a lesson in the masjid of our Master al-Husayn. I was sitting in the gathering wearing a normal galabiyya and a hat (not his usual attire of the Azhari cloak and turban), and Shaykh al-Faqi was attacking the lovers of our Master al-Husayn. Due to my appearance, nobody knew that I was a scholar and…

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Brown Skin?

From the preternatural occurrences of Shaykh Salih from Shaykh Abdul-Ba'ith al-Kattani, who says: I saw Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari, two or three times. In one of his lessons at al-Azhar al-Sharif it crossed my mind, 'Shaykh Salih is from the Prophetic household, yet he's brown is that?' After the lesson the students stood to greet the shaykh. Each student one by one would greet the shaykh…

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