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Striving on the Path



Shaykh Abdul-Ghani (Allah have mercy on him and benefit us by him) says:

“Considering that striving is a lofty station in Tasawwuf and plays a big role in the spiritual nurturing of the soul and its ascension, it is necessary for the disciple to traverse the path from the beginning and strive just as his guide strives. He may assume that the path is easy and that the spiritual openings can be achieved with little effort and work. In this respect, Shaykh Salih directs his disciples and explains that the spiritual path is a difficult matter and is not easy – in it, the disciple’s share of this world and his share of the hereafter do not meet. There is no place in the spiritual path for idle talk and frivolity. One who continuously remains idle and sleeps a lot does not succeed. This is the path for the one who desires success.”