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Shaykh in the Barzakh


Sayyiduna Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari explaining the reality of the shaykh of tariqa.

“Know that the founders of all the Sufi tariqas are now in the barzakh, in the other world. And from there, each has more knowledge of his murid than the knowledge of his khalifa in the world, multiple times over. This is a spiritual tarbiya (upbringing), from the category of ‘breaking norms’, and this is the state of tarbiya from the barzakh. As for when the shaykh is still alive on the Earth, then his tarbiya is real. He commands him to perform the Salat, Zakat, and acts of obedience: “Pray!” “Give Zakat!” “Do this and that”, and “Don’t do this or that!”

And the first way (spiritual tarbiya) is superior to the second and the murid obtains the normal, real, tarbiya of the shaykh. Thus, when his soul becomes stronger a connection occurs for him and he sees his shaykh, who is in the barzakh, in his sleep. Then he will guide him to Qiyam al-Layl and the rest of the acts of obedience. And when his soul becomes even stronger, he will see him while awake, and sit with him, and talk to him. His shaykh will come to him and tell him of things that will happen to him in his life, and command him to have patience over them, and forbid him from doing ugly acts.”  – (The Friday Lessons Vol 1, Arabic edition pg. 69)

The Shaykh also mentions:

“Know my brother, may Allah guide you and guide us: That that shaykhs of the path say: “Obedience brings us together, and disobedience separates us”.

Is there a worse calamity for the murid than separation between himself and his shaykh?

For the shaykh is the door to the Prophetic Presence, and the Prophetic Presence is the door to the Holy Presence, and he who knows both doors, will enter both Presences.

فبابك للمختار شيخك يا فتى * به الوصل بالمختار في حضرة القرب

وبالسيد المختار ترقى إلى العلا * ويدنيك من رب الوجود بلا حجب

Your door to the Chosen One is your Shaykh, young man!

Through him is your connection to the Chosen One, in the realm of nearness!

And by the Master, the Chosen One, you rise up high

And he brings you close to the Lord of Existence, without veils!


Important Note:

What I meant by the Shaykh, is the Shaykh of the Tariq who is in the barzakh. As for the one from whom you took the awrad, he is your door to the Shaykh of the awrad, and without him arrival becomes very difficult/impossible. And it is enough in him the uprightness of his outward, in doing what is obligatory and leaving what is forbidden, because his obedience (to Allah) does not benefit you, and his disobedience (to Allah) does not harm you.

And the connection of your actions, sayings, and this figurative/metaphorical shaykh of yours is only to your real shaykh, who has authorization from the Prophetic Presence.”  – (The Beneficial Inspirations, Arabic edition pg. 58-59)