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Pictured (L-R): Sidi al-Hussayn (b. Abd al-Ghani), Shaykh Abd al-Ghani and Shaykh Muhammad Salih, during the annual procession of all the turuq in Egypt in commemoration of Sayyidina al-Imam al-Hussayn; from the mosque of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari to the mosque of Sayyidina al-Imam al-Hussayn.

Seek Everything Through Salawat

Pictured (L-R): Sidi al-Hussayn (b. Abd al-Ghani), Shaykh Abd al-Ghani and Shaykh Muhammad Salih, during the annual procession of all the turuq in Egypt in commemoration of Sayyidina al-Imam al-Hussayn; from the mosque of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari to the mosque of Sayyidina al-Imam al-Hussayn.


Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Ja’fari said: “All that you want or need, whatever it is, if you want Allah, Sublime and Exalted is He, to listen to you and your supplications, then it must go through the door of “Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad”. This is for all your wants and needs! This is our aqida and this is our belief.”

There was a man who wanted a new car. It was something from the luxuries of the life of this world and did not concern the life after death or the barzakh. He went to the maqam of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari and interceded through him, to ask Allah, Sublime and Exalted is He, that he needs a new car and by the virtue of Shaykh Salih, to be afforded it. Then the man went to the office of Shaykh Abd al-Ghani and asked him “Please supplicate for me, I want to buy a new car and I need for Allah Most High to make it easy for me to gather the money for this”. Shaykh Abd al-Ghani said to him, “Why are you only collecting money to achieve what you want and need? All you need is to keep the habit of sending prayers on our Master, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, all the time”.

In addition to the daily hizb of the Salawat al-Ja’fariyya – keep your tongue moist with salawat (be constant and regular in this habit, at all times). This practice will make all the doors open for you and you will be given success in all your endeavours, both worldly and spiritual, by the will of Allah, the Sublime and Exalted.