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Restrain them! Restrain them!

  • Post category:Legacy


Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari said,

“Shaykh Hamid al-Faqi used to give a lesson in the masjid of our Master al-Husayn. I was sitting in the gathering wearing a normal galabiyya and a hat (not his usual attire of the Azhari cloak and turban), and Shaykh al-Faqi was attacking the lovers of our Master al-Husayn. Due to my appearance, nobody knew that I was a scholar and I was refuting him from the Book and Sunna, invalidating his proofs.

There were some young men with him and he gestured to them. They came towards me, wanting to harm me, when suddenly I found an army commander in front of me at the level of Major General and he roared with his loud voice,

“Restrain them! Restrain them!”

And all those who were with him, from ruffians to the young men, ran hurriedly out of the masjid. I praised Allah that he made me one of the soldiers of our Master al-Husayn, who defends the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and I knew with certain knowledge that the commander that was at the level of a Major General was our Master al-Husayn in person, may Allah be pleased with him.”