“One who is excessive in sins should make a ghusl and sit in a place alone and pray two units saying, “O Allah, Your runaway slave is returning to Your door.” All with extreme humility and crying with remembering one’s sins and making resolve not to return to them ever. He, [Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris] says, “But do not make an oath\covenant with Allah that you will not sin again rather repent (return) to Him and resolve not to return to sin and seek the assistance of Allah, else if you return and fall into sin you would have been afflicted with two calamities, the sin itself and the breaking of the oath\covenant thus it would be necessary to repent from that also along with the sin. One should not become weary of repentance due to falling into a lot of sin rather whenever you sin, repent to Allah, and ask Him for protection, because indeed He loves the repentant (tawwabin). Though do not persist in sin saying “I will do it (sin) and afterwards repent.” because one does not know when his time is up. Perhaps while persisting in a sin one dies in that sin, and we seek refuge in Allah. Rather one should strive and remember Allah often in order that one sees Him in this state and fears His anger and punishment, which no one can bear. And thus is the murid in his striving, if he falls into sin, he rises quickly to repentance and he doesn’t believe that he’s cut off by that [sin] because sincere repentance is a means of nearness which results in love as He says:
“Indeed, Allah loves the oft repentant and He loves those who purify themselves.”(2:222)” – Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari from Risala al-Awrad al-Idrisiyya