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Realization Through the Prophet ﷺ

After mentioning the best method of sending blessings on the Prophet ﷺ see: The Magnificent Bequest

Shaykh Salih mentions the spiritual ascent and result of devoting oneself to the Prophet ﷺ.

“Know that he ﷺ is the goal and highest aim which causes the arrival to the Divine witnessing, which is beyond comprehension and what is perceptible through the senses.

By his light ﷺ and by arrival to him ﷺ the one who arrives will be addressed by his Lord, Transcendent and Exalted, ‘until I do not see in myself or in anything or in nothing but You’, ‘in order that I witness You a witnessing outside of sense perception or intellectualization’ (two lines from the supplications of shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris)

Since he ﷺ is the Jabal al-Tur of theophanies of speech from which the Musa of the spirit (nafs) hears ‘There is no God but Me’ in the Holy Presence.

When you know that, do not come close to the station of ‘beyond the beyond’, in the station of general hearing, until you take off your sandals in the Holy Valley. And this is to love the Prophet ﷺ with a love more than for yourself, your parents and your children, as Bukhari narrates from Anas from the Prophet ﷺ: “None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his self, his children, his parent, and all of mankind.”

By that love you draw near, by the help and will of Allah, to the mountain of theophanies, which by it you arrive to what the Arifeen arrived, and you become acquainted with that which they became acquainted with, and you drink from that which they drink from in this world and the next.

He, the Exalted, says, “Their Lord gives them to drink and pure drink. Indeed, this is a recompense for you and your striving is appreciated.” (Quran 76:21-22)

From the greatest of appreciated efforts is your love for him ﷺ and migrating to him, like the companions migrated. Strive to go to him after his passing ﷺ at his Noble Rawda, where Allah gives him life in order that he return the greetings of the one who greets him. Who is greater in this world in rank than the person who stands there? And from the most noble of days and the most noble of moments is the moment which one stands in it (the Rawda) in front of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ greeting him and the Prophet ﷺ returning the greeting while seeing him and recognizing him and being with him in that moment. And that Muhammadan witness is obtained for him, and he obtains his noble gaze ﷺ and his recognizing him and the blessing of his supplication ﷺ by his returning the greeting on him. What a moment and what a blessing the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, the Noble Lord blesses His believing Muslim slave with! So be grateful to Allah for this great blessing which has no comparisons even if you spent the equivalent of the whole world of gold. Be the beneficiary of the most noble of moments and most noble of days.

Whoever hears these words and still delays visiting him ﷺ while being able, let him study his nafs and investigate his faith in his heart, then seek help from Allah by calling out: O my Lord! Help me with your swift support and take me by Your facilitation (tawfiq) to visit this Prophet, the Intercessor ﷺ. And bestow blessing upon me by Your expansive mercy and Your grand grace just as you bestowed blessing on my brothers who visit him ﷺ.”