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Prophetic Recognition


Regarding Salawat on the Prophet ﷺ: Allah shows it to the Prophet ﷺ, the Prophet ﷺ recognizes it, and he also recognizes the person who sent it! Hadith relates:

“Indeed, the closest of you to me on the Day of Judgement from any land, will be the one amongst you who sends the most salawat upon me in the world. And whoever sends salawat upon me on the day of Jumu’a and the night of Jumu’a one hundred times, Allah will resolve one hundred of his needs; seventy of his needs related to the Hereafter and thirty of his needs related to the dunya. Then because of that, Allah will assign an angel to bring those salawat into my grave in the same way that gifts are presented to you all, and the angel will inform me who sent the salawat upon me by using his name and his lineage including his family, and the angel will record it in a white record book that is with me.” (Bayhaqi’s Shu’ab and Ibn ‘Asakir).

So be among the people of love, and send salawat upon the Prophet with love, and you will be included among his ﷺ loved ones!

– Taken from our forthcoming publication: ‘The Friday Lessons at al-Azhar: Volume X’ (2022).