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Pray on Muhammad (ﷺ)


Excerpt from the Diwan of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari concerning the Prayer on the Prophet (ﷺ):
If conditions of the day depress you – then spend the pre-dawn time sending prayers on Muhammad
Allah, the Lord of the throne, will pray 10 times – on the slave who sends a prayer on Muhammad
And if he sends 100 prayers Allah recompenses with a 1000 – so rush to send prayers on Muhammad
Do not leave the Messenger of Allah a single day – O’ how sweet is the prayer on Muhammad
Healing for the hearts, for them is illumination – and light derived from Muhammad
With it is ease and relief from calamity – for the one who sends prayers on Muhammad
With it are secrets and lights, you will see – and be illumined by the prayer on Muhammad
O one who has with him a secret, manifest – from the Chosen, our Master Muhammad
Learn and protect your secret, O brethren – and do not forgot the prayer on Muhammad
Whenever you want to obtain, swiftly – an opening from Allah, pray on Muhammad
Tafsir and knowledge possessing deep meaning – is for those who remember the prayer on Muhammad
If you want the fulfillment of a debt, turn – to the treasure of prayer on Muhammad
You will find a near relief, O brethren – by the rank of our Prophet, TaHa, Muhammad