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On the Salawat al-Ja’fariyya

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Shaykh Abdul Ghani al-Ja’fari speaking in the introduction to Salawat al-Ja’fariyya,


These good and pure ṣalawāt which our Shaykh and master, Ṣāliḥ al-Jaʿfarī wrote, are an expression of spiritual meetings which took place between our Shaykh and al-Mustafa, for they are either a reception of and rejoicing in the Muṣṭāfawiyyan (Muḥammadan ﷺ) presence, or benedictions in praise and gratitude of this meeting.

I have recorded these ṣalawāt several times and in different places, and many of them are his dictations during the days of Ḥajj, specifically in Madīna al-Munawwara, upon its inhabitant be the best of blessings and most perfect greeting of peace. And some of them are his dictations at the noble Masjid al-Azhar, and what he wrote in his handwriting in his khalwa. For that reason, some of them were found on sheets of paper, personal notes and other materials. The majority of them were found in several notebooks.

The explanation of this is that he used to write them or dictate them at the time of Divine Manifestation or by way of inspiration, and he never delegated a time nor a place to write in this field. For that reason, these ṣalawāt are from the spring of pure manifestation, extending from the ocean of the Exalted’s words: “And their Lord shall give them to drink a pure drink.” holding onto the rope of the Exalted’s words: “O Prophet! Surely, We have sent you as a witness, and as a bearer of good news and a warner. And as one inviting to Allāh by His permission, and as an illuminating lamp.”

The ṣalawāt are the waymarks of the disciple to the Prophetic presence, as well as being a secret in facilitating needs in this dunya and the Hereafter, and in them are an authorization in supplication, and praise and connection to the presence of selection.

And in their recitation – by the permission of Allāh – is relief from distress, forgiveness of sins, abundant good deeds and ascension to lofty ranks. Allāh is the Enabler and Guide to the straight path, and He is enough for us and the best Disposer of Affairs.


Links to purchase copies of the Salawat: Light of the Azhar Publications