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Allah Most High commanded you to send blessings onto His Prophet ﷺ, so what have you done so far, O believer, regarding this divine command?

Indeed, if you send one salawat upon him, Allah will send ten blessings onto you. Allahumma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘ala Alihi wa Sahbihi wa sallim!

Send salawat upon him ﷺ; if you are poor, then Allah will enrich you. If you lack knowledge, Allah will teach you! If Shaytan is always around you, Allah will save you from him and move him far away from you. If dunya is hard to come by for you, then Allah will make it come to you humbly. If your wife does not obey you, Allah will guide her for you and rectify her.

If you are sick, then Allah will heal you.

Everything you want, by sending salawat on the Prophet ﷺ, you will get. Whoever tastes, knows. And whoever knows, does not stray from it.

The poet said:

Wait by the door if you love beauty,

And don’t sleep if you want to connect.

So stand at the door of your Lord in devotion, humbly and submissively, and if you stand at the door, then have adab with the Prophet ﷺ according to the manners prescribed by the Shari’a!

Spiritual goodness costs nothing, it is free of charge! Sending salawat on the Prophet ﷺ does not require any money. The value of salawat on the Prophet ﷺ in the sight of Allāh is extremely valuable, such that one single salawat carries the reward of sending it ten times in the sight of Allāh.

And so for this reason, the true servants of Allāh, the believers, consider it one of the most valuable acts in this world!


– Taken from our forthcoming publication: ‘The Friday Lessons at al-Azhar: Volume I’ (2022).

Also learn more about Shaykh Salih’s collection of salawat here: Salawat al-Ja’fariyya.