Our master, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari says in his book, The Urgent Provision for the Idle Souls:
O Murid, it is incumbent on you to continually, always, and perpetually look to the love of the Prophet ﷺ in your heart, and to weigh it with the scale of the Quran and the Sunnah.
Do you love him ﷺ more than your own soul, your children, or your parents?
Does your heart long for him ﷺ?
Have your eyes shed tears out of yearning?
Is your tongue busy praising him ﷺ, as praise of him is worship?
Do you send blessing and salutations on him ﷺ often?
Does your heart love following him ﷺ?
If you are like this, glad tidings to you of felicity in this world and the next.