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Levels of “With-ness”


Listen, O’ servant of Allāh, and listen well with the ear of your soul. May Allāh guide you and me to His secrets of the Universe, as Sayyidī Abū Madyan said, “Allāh has secrets in the universe through which He can be seen.” Being “with” is of various types.

The first type is sensory, when you are at their graves.

The second type is metaphorical when you greet them, and you sit with their souls.

The third type is barzakhī, when you see them in a dream.

The fourth type is wijdānī, when wherever you are, you witness one of them with your heart and you recite Sūrah al-Fātiḥah for him, or something else from the Qurʾān, and then pray to Allāh for him.

The fifth type: Is for the possessors of the breaking of the norms (saintly miracles), the ones for whom Allāh has lifted the veils. From this is the vision of the Prophet ﷺ while awake. It’s proof is the hadith of al-Bukhārī, where the Prophet ﷺ says, “Whoever sees me in a dream shall see me while awake.”

The greatest “with-ness” occurs in Paradise, in the Abode of Peace. Allāh says, “they are with those unto whom Allāh has shown favour, of the prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous. The best of company are they!”’