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I only know our Lord!


Shaykh Ali Gomaa narrates an incident regarding Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari:

People would come to Shaykh Salih at the Noble Azhar seeking from him the fulfillment of some of their needs. As the shaykh was the Imam of al-Azhar, they considered it was possible that he had connections to some of the officials, ministers, etc. One day someone came to Shaykh Salih saying, by the honor of the Prophet (ﷺ), O Sayyidana Shaykh, I have an issue with the Minister of Awqaf, perhaps your honorable self, could speak to him for me? The shaykh responded to him, My son, I don’t know the Minister of Awqaf nor anyone else! I only know our Lord! The shaykh then raised his hand and made a supplication for the person in need, and it was fulfilled by the permission of Allah.

Connect your heart to Allah not to other than Him as Allah is the Patron for the pious.

O Allah benefit us by Your awliya and make us arrive to You by them, O Allah.