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Husayn and Hadra


A Sudanese man visited Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari and said, “I am going to visit our master Imam al-Husayn before the Hadra”, to which the Shaykh replied, “stay here, our master Imam al-Husayn will come to us and be present for the Hadra”. So the man sat down for the gathering and saw our master Imam al-Husayn and the Ahlul Bayt. He rejoiced with great joy and said to Shaykh Salih, “o Master! This is not Hadra! This is something very special and unusual, which allows the devotee spiritual witnessing and to truly see!”. Shaykh Salih replied, “My brother, do you think all people are like you? (can see what you have seen)”. The Sudanese man responded, “You are their Shaykh! Open for them the hearing of their hearts!”, to which the Shaykh said, “We have opened for them the hearing of their hearts and the eyes of their hearts, but there are two actions which block these faculties: praying the Subh prayer after the sun has risen and looking at women in the street, (with unlawful glances)”.