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Fruits of Divine Love

Divine Love


O our brother in Allah, it’s incumbent on you to plant the tree of Divine Love in the soil of your heart, based upon His saying, “He loves them and they love Him”. Then water it with the water of spiritual struggle based upon His saying, “Strive for Allah as He deserves”, until the fruit of certainty is produced, then it rises to knowledge of certainty, then to the essence of certainty. There you will see, what the onlookers do not see, and hear what the listeners do not hear, in the realm of “I will be the hearing by which he hears, the seeing by which he sees, and the tongue by which he speaks.”

Then nothing of the precious fruits of your speech will reach the creation except as a charity on your behalf, whether through their hearing it, reading it, or it being quoted to them by other than you. That will be for you until the Day of Judgement. Your reward will not cease even while you are in your grave. By this [rank] you will enter the domain of “the scholars are the heirs of the Prophets,” since the rewards of the Prophets do not cease after their death. Thus, you will be clothed in the garment of Prophetic inheritance by which you will be established on the Book and the Sunna, [being] perfected and perfecting, Lordly and Muhammadan, separating and joining; drowned in witnessing the greatest means ﷺ and the supreme veil ﷺ, outwardly and inwardly, in a wakeful state and sleep, in all your states and statements, [being] supported and supporting from the one whom the secrets derive and the lights burst forth from ﷺ. [You will be] unveiled from the secrets of words and sentences, by the secret that flows through all the names and attributes, in the place where there is no gathering or separation, rather, love and longing, while remembering him in unrestricted presence (hadra). Because there is no presence except for the one in it, their innermost being (lubab) is unconstrained. And from them are those for whom bewilderment overtakes them, causing them to forget and from them are those who their soul strengthens them so they are witnesses in the presence of Allah. And with the remembrance of Allah is the [remembrance of] the Beloved of Allah following His statement “Verily those who take allegiance with you have indeed taken allegiance with Allah”.

I definitely hope that you will have a copious share by your taking from this overflowing ocean.