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Description of the Elect

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Shaykh Salih describes for us the state of the perfected people of sufism, in a beautiful, pure, and illuminating way. He says, describing the people of Allah and His elect:

‘Days and nights pass by them, but the one from among them does not care about anyone other than his Lord. They serve their Owner, such that kings serve them. There is no pauper or destitute among them in this world. They have humbled themselves before Allah, so He has made difficulties easy for them. He opened for them the doors to every good – so the doors are open for them without a key. They enter it in peace, in the assembly of the spirit. For them, this world is lowly, and the next-world is apparent and present before them. They have drunk at the remembrance of their Lord the drink of purity, so this world passes in front of them like the passing of a cloud. They see it and know it to be transient, and it too knows them, so it approaches them after their turning away from it, and then it serves them. It becomes ennobled by its service to them, and they see it a defect to serve it. It rushes towards them because of the loftiness of their states, as they have fled from it due to its lowliness, donning armor to protect themselves from its trials. They fortify themselves from its terrors with reverence of Allah, and Allah supports them with His armies. They do not become weakened, nor are they brought low, and they have made their love of their Lord known.’