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Cure For a Constricted Heart

From the text al-Muntaqā l-nafīs fī manāqib quṭb dāʼirat al-taqdīs mawlāna al-sayyid Aḥmad b. Idrīs—a biography of Aḥmad b. Idrīs, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari says:

When you’ve oppressed yourself or your heart has become hard and your chest constricted and your integrity is absent, and you’ve darkened your lights and increased your sins, turn your heart to the mercy of Allah to all the worlds, upon whom is Divine salutations and peace, with love and longing, sending prayers and peace upon him, praising him while weeping. By the permission of Allah, the Exalted, the darkness of the self will become light, the hardness of your heart will become soft, the constriction of your breast will become expansion and the multiplicity of your sins will become repentance followed by forgiveness. And with that, He will calm your mind, rectify your state, increase your pleasure and your joy, remove your worries, increase your knowledge, increase your activities in the realm of obedience and efface your charging into disobedience and strengthen your Islam.