This page will feature advice and counsels of Shaykh Muhammad Salih b. Abd al-Ghani b. Salih al-Ja’fari, Shaykh of the Ja’fariyya Ahmadiyya Muhammadiyya tariqa in Egypt and the Islamic World.
Many times a murid may struggle with their awrad, this is a translation of a short but very important advice that our Shaykh gave to the brothers.
Shaykh Muhammad answers a series of questions regarding suhba and tarbiya in the Ja’fari tariqa.
Due to the obvious connection of Shaykh Salih to Sh. Ahmad b. Idris and indeed Shaykh Salih’s many works elucidating the Idrissi path and its awrad, the question arises; do the murids of Shaykh Salih also recite the awrad of Shaykh Ahmad b. Idris?
When is the best time to do the awrad?
There is certainly a secret in the special dhikr or adhkar given by the Mashayekh to the murids. These secrets are known by the Shaykh and this is transmitted in relation to the quantity [of repetitions of the adhkar];
During a conversation with Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Ja’fari on the meaning of a particular salaat from the Salawat al-Ja’fariyya, which details the blessed manifestation of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
Sidi Shayh Muhammad Salih al-Ja’fari advises the murid of the tricks of the nafs and the Shaytan to make spiritual practices seem difficult and encourages us to hold fast to the awrad without going to excess and seeking more than we can handle