The Gladdening of the Heart

Shaykh Salih says in the intro to the print of this poem titled: The Gladdening of the Heart of the People of Love and Affection in the Praise of the Family of the Best of Mankind (also known as Ahlu Bayti 'l Mustafa): (مفرحة الفؤاد لاهل الحب والوداد في مدح آل بيت خير العباد)  "Some of the brothers saw Sayyidah Fatimah (peace be upon her)  in…

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Shaykh Salih's Library

Reading the Books of the Shaykh

Shaykh Ṣāliḥ says: ‘It is necessary for every disciple travelling on this path to rush to review the books of his guide in order that he attains harmony between the two souls, and they are pulled together. “Between them is a barrier they cannot transgress” . He will attain experiential knowledge which is not in books. It is necessary for you to search for the reality…

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The Noble Guardians

The Noble Guardians of the Lessons of Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (as related by Shaykh Dr. Fathi Hijazi)   "One time, someone said “Sidna Shaykh, I saw my Lord in a dream”. The Shaykh said to him “Ya Salam! Are you better than the Prophet Musa? (Peace be upon him)”, he [continued and] said to him “If you saw a light in your dream, perhaps it is…

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Origin of the Poem Benefit for the Masses

  Shaykh Ahmad Sayih wrote, In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate On a day of Friday, after Maghrib, while [Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari] was walking back from the Old Qibla (of the Azhar Mosque, where he led the prayer), his student Hajj Muhammad Ali Yasin came to him. He greeted him and kissed his hand and then said to him, ‘Oh mawlana,…

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The Chains of Transmission

  Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (may Allah be pleased with him), though he was the Imam of the Noble Azhar Mosque, did not always lead the Friday Prayers. Very often the great Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (may Allah have mercy on him) would lead the Prayers and give the Friday Khutba, and then Shaykh Salih would start his famous Friday Lesson after the Prayers, as he usually did.…

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I Know My Lineage

  Once, when Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari saw our master Husayn in a vision, the Shaykh said, “O my Master, do you know who I am? I belong to you and am a descendent of al-Sayyid Ja’far al-Sadiq”, to which Imam Husayn replied, “I know the lineage of our master Noah, Sam, Ham and Yafeeth, so how can I not know any of my children and progeny?”…

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First Permission is Required

  When al-Hajj Abu al-‘Alaa` al-Hindawi wanted to take the Path from Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari, he visited him and sought permission. Shaykh Salih said to him, “My son, [traversing] the Path is by permission. First permission is required.” Hajj al-Hindawi began to think that the required permission is from the Ministry of Religious Endowments or perhaps from a senior management council. So he said to Shaykh…

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Prophetic Recognition

THE PROPHET ﷺ RECOGNIZES THE ONE WHO SENDS SALAWAT Regarding Salawat on the Prophet ﷺ: Allah shows it to the Prophet ﷺ, the Prophet ﷺ recognizes it, and he also recognizes the person who sent it! Hadith relates: "Indeed, the closest of you to me on the Day of Judgement from any land, will be the one amongst you who sends the most salawat upon me…

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The Middle Path

  The Imam of the Azhar Mosque, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (d. 1979), may Allah be pleased with him and please him, wrote: “Among the favours of Allah – most high- upon me is that I was once sitting in the Noble Rawda between the Maghrib and Isha prayers, my eyes closed, invoking blessings upon the Prophet, ﷺ. I heard his voice – ﷺ – from the…

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No one is allowed to be seen besides them!

When one of the brothers would ask for his interpretation of a vision they had of him, he would tell them “My son, this is Sayyida Zaynab” or “Our Shaykh, Sayyidina al-Husayn”, rather than say it was of himself. On one occasion, Hajj Sayed Musa said to Shaykh Salih “Mawlana, I saw you in a vision and you said such and such”, to which the Shaykh…

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