The Awrad and its Bounties

Our master and shaykh of tariqa, Shaykh Saliḥ al-Ja’fari said: “Know that every shaykh of ṭariqa has remedies in his awrad for his murids, who are traversing his path; and in them are vitamins that strengthen and nourish [the murid]; and in them is a healing balm; and in them is that which guides the soul and strengthens the spirit. Whoever wants arrival, know, there is…

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Foundations of the Path: Knowledge and Qur’an

"The Beloved ﷺ would guide the people with religious lessons and the Magnificent Quran, and our shaykh Ahmad b. Idris followed him in that, and he guides the people by the Noble Quran and 'ilm and he persisted in that until he met his Lord. I have asked Allah to make me in conformity with what our shaykh was upon. So it is necessary for our…

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Shaykh Abd al-Ghani’s visit to the ‘Kaaba of Ilm’

On an occasion, Sidi Shaykh Abd al-Ghani brought his family to Cairo to visit his father, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari. Arriving at the Azhar; they came across the Shaykh al-Azhar, Shaykh Abd al-Haleem Mahmoud, who greeted them and asked what they were doing in Cairo; to which Sidi Abd al-Ghani replied “We came to visit the Kaaba of Ilm” – in reference to the noble Azhar itself. Shaykh…

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Importance of Knowledge

“The Jaʿfarī ṭarīqa is built upon knowledge and erected upon the acquisition of knowledge and is spread among the people by means of knowledge. Such that its shaykh, Imam al-Jaʿfarī, made attending lessons of knowledge from among its awrād, which the disciples of the ṭarīqa preserve in their gatherings… The Shaykh clarifies, in a clear picture, that the seeker in this ṭarīqa will not have its…

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