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Beware of Bad Company


From the warnings of Sidna Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari:

“From the catastrophes that afflict the murid is his mixing with those who reject [ie tasawwuf, awliya, shaykhs, etc]. Their speech are like rocks and the heart of the murid is like glass, “And the glass that has been broken cannot be repaired.” So, whoever presents his heart to them has presented his glass to be broken.

Know, O murid, may Allah guide us and you to His complete light and enter us and you in the Pure Presence, whose purity is not muddied from any aspect, the sign\verse (ayah) in language is a symbol that indicates to the intended thing and it is either verbal like the verses of the Wise Qur’an, or practical without any means which you see like the heavens and Earth or with means like the miracles of the Messengers, blessings and peace be upon them, and the miracles of the awliya. This is because the verse from the Tremendous Qur’an are an indication to the existence of Allah the Exalted and the heavens and the Earth and everything therein likewise indicate to that. And the miracles of the Messenger ﷺ are a proof of his truthfulness and the miracles of the wali are a proof of the truthfulness of the Messenger ﷺ. If you understand this speech of mine you will know the meaning of His saying, Exalted is He, “And when you see those who engage in [offensive] discourse concerning Our verses, then turn away from them…” (Quran 6:68)

Thus, you sitting with those who reject and your listening to their speech is forbidden, since you are commanded to avoid them, so think about what I’m saying and do not be heedless because it is truly precious, Insha’Allah.”