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Benefits of the Awrad

Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari speaking of the benefits of the awrad of the path:

Our awrad are such that whoever reads them, his Lord will love him and whoever He loves He attracts, and whoever He attracts He draws near, and whoever He draws near He refines, whoever He refines He advances, whoever He advances He honors, whoever He honors He inspires, and whoever He inspires He binds (…and made them stick to the word of piety, and they were well entitled to it and worthy of it…) 48:26.

As for,

There is no deity other than Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah in every glance and breath to the amount of everything in the knowledge of Allah

it is incumbent on you O our brother, to increase in this dhikr which Allah has distinguished us with among His awliya. In it is the joining of the remembrance of the two presences and affirming the messengership of the Imam of the two Qiblas ﷺ. By mentioning it and giving it its due you are protected…

Our awrad are a swift key to the openings of the perception of the hearts due to the pouring down from the rainclouds of the unseen. They free you from the need of spiritual retreat because your guarantor ﷺ is who those who enter spiritual retreat seek thus you are free from [formal] spiritual retreat because you are in a spiritual retreat.

Our awrad, the soul will perceive them when it is purified and will hear the crowding of its lights when it pays attention. Spiritual outpourings flood the reciter and the frivolities of the nafs will be annihilated in front of him. In them are blazing lightning bolts and slicing swords.

Our awrad, in them are valuables, where are those who seek them? (I am the city of knowledge and ‘Ali is its door)

Our tariqa is the path of following the Muhammadan footsteps. The one who follows him in reality is firm and will have a connection to the people in the barzakh.

Our tariqa, those who traverse it, his provision is expanded for him, and blessings are placed in it for him, because he stands at the door of “O dunya whoever serves Me serve them!”

-from the book al-mutaqa al-nafis