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Benefit of Saying Muhammadur Rasulullah



Sayyidi Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari commenting on the bounties in the phrase Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (Muhammadur Rasulullah) says:

“As for the name Muhammad:

The first Meem represents the fact that he erases (mahw) the evil preoccupations from the heart, those which hinder one from ascending to the Sacred Presence. And from his names is al-Mahi ﷺ.

The Haa represents the new life (hayah) that the heart earns, and this is called the life of remembrance. As in the hadith “The similitude of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not remember his Lord is like the living and the dead”. And from his names is Muhyi ﷺ.

The second Meem represents the death (mawt) of the ego in the Sacred Presence and its awakening from the sleep of heedlessness. As comes in a saying “Mankind is asleep and when they die, they awaken.”

The third Meem represent the Muhammadan support (madad) that flows over the soul and heart with secrets and lights. My master, Abdul Salaam ibn Mashish says in his Wadhifah: “O Allah send blessings on the one from whom the secrets are derived and from whom gush forth lights…”

The Daal represents your coming close (dunuw) to him ﷺ as long as you are persistent with this remembrance with love. The shaykh and Imam, my master, Ahmad ibn Idris said [in the Azeemiyyah], “Join between me and him just as you have joined between the soul (ruh) and the spirit (nafs).”

If you understand these words of mine, you will know that when you say “Muhammadur Rasulullah” (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) you will obtain all these benefits [and more] innumerable and without calculation.

As for the statement (Rasul- Messenger):

The Raa represents the general and specific mercy (rahma) of Allah which is indicated in His statement, “And We have not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds.” (Quran 20:107). As such the mercy of Allah surrounds you and pulls you into His obedience and makes you to hate disobeying Him.

The Seen represents the eternal bliss (sa’ada) of Allah which will be with you in this life and the next.

The Waw represents the friendship (wilaya) of Allah which Allah blessed His Messenger ﷺ with in His saying “Your only friends are Allah and His Messenger…” (Quran 5:55)

The Laam represents the gentle kindness (lutf) of Allah, the manifest and concealed, which because of it, punishment is prevented. He says, “Allah will not punish them while you are among them.” (Quran 8:33)

As for the word Allah:

The Alif represents intimacy (uns) with Allah and the tranquility established in the heart at the time of fright. As He said, “when he said to his companion: Grieve not, surely Allah is with us.” (Quran 9:40)

The first Laam represents adherence (luzum) to piety as He said, “…and made them stick to the word of piety and they were well entitled to it and worthy of it …” (Quran 48:26)

The second Laam represents the softening (leen) of the heart and skin due to the remembrance of Allah. As He says, “Then their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of Allah.” (Quran 39:23)

The Haa represents the guidance (hidaya) of Allah to His light. As He says, “Allah guides to His light whom He wills.” (Quran 24:35)

So, make remembrance with this blessed statement, (Muhammadur Rasulullah) and you will obtain these benefits that I mentioned to you and more which are immeasurable.