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Benefit for the Masses


Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari says regarding the science of theology:

‘As knowledge of theology is the first obligation upon every legally responsible person, I have mentioned here the explanation of the statement of monotheism, so that the reader can remove themselves from the yoke of blind following, that scholars have said of such a person that their faith is not free of some doubt. However, if they read a little theology and know Allah and His Necessary Attributes, then they will be on firm belief. Scholars have unanimously agreed that they would be a true believer, not called a blind follower.

As the path of our teacher, Shaykh Ahmad b. Idris, was following the Book and the Sunnah, as he said himself, he also said: “Those who take the Ahmadi path have no shaykh other than the Prophet . He is the one who takes care of their spiritual upbringing. I wish, with Allah’s blessing, for those who take this path to be true monotheists that act rightly, not blind followers, and for the litanies to deliver them to the station of the knowers of Allah. It is not appropriate for one to enter this station and they have some disagreement in their faith because they did not know a little theology. I wish, by Allah’s grace for their reading of this book that contains some theology to be the that by which the disciple becomes knowing of his Lord, and remembers Allah with knowledge.

As the devil whispers things that the Sacred Law does not accept, especially for those who have perfected their faith, I intended through reading of this book that the disciple becomes able to dispel the devil’s doubts and whispers. Therefore, it is beneficial knowledge and a sharp sword against devilish insinuations. Through it, one will be on firm ground in this life and the hereafter. Allah has said, “Allah confirms those who believe with the firm word, in the present life and in the Hereafter.”

The scholars have said, “The science of theology is an individual obligation upon every individual, male or female, such that by neglecting it a person is sinful. Allah has granted me the ability to compose a short poem that comprises of the matters of theology. It is necessary for every disciple to strive to memorize it until Allah grants me the success to write a commentary on it that briefly explains its ambiguities if Allah wills. It has been published by itself, and again in this book, and it is entitled Mufīdah al-ʿAwām (Benefit for the Masses).

‘Says the one hopeful of the mercy of his Lord Most High,

Al-Jaʿfarī, Ṣāliḥ, the scion of the saint.

Al-Jaʿfarī, the inhabitant of Paradise,

Teacher of Sacred Knowledge and the Qurʾan.

Praise be to Allah for the affirmation of Divine Unity,

By which we are saved from the yoke of doubt.

Then, may blessings and eternal peace,

Be upon the Chosen, Prophet Muhammad.

And upon his family, those of piety and purity,

A prayer by which I attain salvation of the Day of Gathering.

To proceed: Knowledge of Divine Unity,

Is a definitive obligation upon every servant.

And this is a small didactic poem,

However, it is great in the knowledge it contains.

I have called it Mufīdah al-ʿAwām,

With it, I hope for the tables of generosity.

 I ask Allah the Most Generous, the Creator,

For its acceptance in the countryside and city.

And benefit for every memorizer and reciter,

Open for them the treasure-stores of secrets.

I hope for acceptance and happiness,

Facilitation and Divine Assistance, and usefulness.

And to repel the envious and what they desire,

O’ Ever-Living, o’ Sustainer, o’ Willing One!

Allah has obligated upon mankind,

To know Him – The Guardian, The Recompenser.

Obligatory it is to know what is necessary,

With respect to Him, and the impossible, so reckon!

And what is possible, so if you know, keep firm!

And similarly for His messengers, it is required.

Necessary for Him Most High,

In general, is every perfection.

The opposites of which are impossible for Him,

At any point at all.

So, Existence is necessary for Him,

May Allah be exalted – The Unique, The Worshipped.

Pre-Eternality and Sempiternity for the Most Powerful,

Difference from all of His creation.

Self-subsistence for His Sublime Essence,

Affirm that as necessary, and likewise Divine Oneness,

Power, Will and Knowledge,

And Life, that has come in the knowledge.

Affirm Hearing for Him, and Sight and Speech,

May He be glorified, transcendent, The Most Knowing.

These are seven attribute that have come,

Known as Entitative Attributes among the scholars.

And necessarily entailed attributes for Him Most High,

Likewise, seven, so beware of argument.

The fact that He, free from any likeness,

Is Powerful, completely transcendent.

Majestic is He, The Willer, the Knower of all,

The Living, the Hearing, the Creator of shadows.

He is All-Seeing, even in the darkness of night,

Speaking, and affirming the Prophets.

Impossible are the opposites of these attributes,

For the Most Majestic, the Sender of Signs.

Non-existence, contingency, and annihilation,

And similarity to creation are all impossible.

Likewise, for Him to need another,

Similarly, any multiplicity is refused.

In His Essence, Attributes, or Actions.,

Transcendent is the Lord of the Throne from any likeness.

Incapacity, dislike, and likewise ignorance,

Death and deafness, those we do not say.

Blindness and muteness are negated,

From the God, He is the Most High.

Doing a possible thing is possible for Him,

Or not doing it, whoever understands succeeds.

Necessary for the Messengers of the Creator,

Is truthfulness in all their words and statements,

Trustworthiness, conveying the message, and intelligence,

All of them are infallible and protected.

Impossible for them is lying and deceit,

And concealing something, so take clarification.

Concealing something of the Sacred Law,

Likewise, stupidity for those of discernment.

Possible for them are things like sleep,

Eating and drinking according to the sensible.

‘These fifty points are obligatory for, 

Every person to understand in order.

The statement of belief contains them all,

So do not be hesitant in this matter.’

Happy is he who constantly remembers them,

Reviving the day and night with them.

Such a person is granted success and made happy,

For spiritual openings and Divine assistance comes to him.

Especially through remembrance of the two [statements],

So remember them in every place.

Say, “There is no deity other than Allah,

Muhammad is the Messenger sent by Allah.”

For the Chosen One is the means to acceptance,

Honour him – the truthful messenger.

Without him, our faith is not accepted,

And whoever dislikes him is a rejected disbeliever. 

Praise be to Allah upon completion,

And the blessings and peace of Allah.

May they be upon the Prophet who came with rulings,

And the noble and virtuous prophets.

Al-Jaʿfarī asked the One who responds,

For openings of guidance to be easy and close.

Likewise, for the companions and beloveds,

From the Creator, the Planner, the Bestower.

If you wish to memorize it, seek a means,

Through Ahmad, our Prophet, the Chosen.

Perhaps you may remember what I have composed,

And the pearls of Divine Unity that I have clarified.

With his light, you will be guided to righteousness,

For he is the means for the servants.

With prayers upon him always,

If my Lord wills, you will be connected to him.

Its composition was completed in part of the night,

At the Noble al-Azhar on a Friday.

I ask my Master to grant every reader,

Of the text the happiness of the elect.

May it be sealed with goodness for all,

Without disunity or wastefulness.

Fifty lines and eight more it is,

By the blessing of my Lord, it was composed.’

Here ends the poem that compiles the most important matters of theology – that which is necessary for Allah, that which is impossible, and that which is possible. The same for the Messengers – that which is necessary, impossible, and possible for them.


Arabic Text: