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Allah Will Complete It

  • Post category:Legacy


“Allāh has favoured me with the compilation of this honorable mawlid at the Islāmic University of al-Azhar. I have shortened and summarized some aspects of the biography of our master and leader, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ.

In the beginning of composing it, I saw our master Jibrīl عليه السلام in a clear vision. I greeted him and asked him for supplication, so he said to me, ‘Allāh will complete it.’ Thus, it was. Allāh has completed this mawlid due to the blessing of the supplication of Jibrīl عليه السلام. Al-ḥamdu li-Llāh.

I am giving permission to every Muslim in all the Islāmic world, to recite this book every night of Jumuʿa (Thursday night) and every Sunday night. I asked Allāh to make the reading of this book a means for increasing wealth, safety, fulfilment of needs, and success to do such deeds that please Allāh.

O my brother in Allāh, it is necessary that you read this book with love, sincerity and correct intention. In shāʼ Allāh you will obtain what I asked for you and more, from the bounty of Allāh.”

– Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari