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The Two Qiblas


Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari says,

“Know, O Servant of Allah, open the ears of your heart for what you will receive, that there are two qiblas; the qibla of the body and it is the Noble Ka’ba. The validity of the prayer, outwardly, is dependent upon facing the Ka’ba, while its validity, inwardly, is dependent on directing the soul to him ﷺ. One will notice, in the beginning of the prayer one faces the Ka’ba and in the end one faces him ﷺ (i.e. in at-tahiyyatu).

So this is the House of Allah and He commanded to face it, “…and wherever you are, turn your face towards it…”- (Quran 2:144) and this is the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, who Allah has made allegiance to him the same as allegiance to Himself and obedience to him ﷺ likewise obedience to Himself. Allah says, “Indeed, those who have given allegiance to you have only but given allegiance to Allah.” – Quran 48:10 and “Whoever obeys the Messenger has in fact obeyed Allah.” – Quran 4:80.

He ﷺ is the accepted means, the one who when the one who oppresses his own self (i.e. by sin) takes him ﷺ as a means, will find Allah, Oft-Returning, Merciful. So how about the servant who is obedient?!”