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Tariqa Muhammadiyya

shaykh Muhammad Habibullah al-Shinqiti
Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari quoting his teacher shaykh Muhammad Habibullah al-Shinqiti, in the book al-dhakhira al-mu’ajjala:
“Whoever takes the path and perseveres in it with zeal, it is incumbent on him to struggle and read the books of the guides of the sufis, because in that will be an opening for him, if Allah wills. As for our path, the Muhammadiyya Ahmadiyya, our shaykh, the knower of Allah, shaykh Sayyidi Ahmad ibn Idris -Allah be pleased with him- informed us that the one who is in charge of the spiritual upbringing of those who adopt his litanies is the Prophet ﷺ. Due to that, it is necessary on you, o murid on the Muhammadi Ahmadi path, to not turn to anything other than the Prophet ﷺ and to believe this in your heart when you recite your litanies and in all your states and developments, while loving the shaykh whom you took the path from, listening to his words and following his guidance as he resembles the shaykh of tariqa (ie in the barzakh) by means of succession and deputyship, so do not oppose him…”
For more on the Tariqa Muhammadiyya see: Tariqa Muhammadiyya