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Two Important Salawat


Shaykh Abdul Ghani says concerning the two prayers on the Prophet, al-Salat al-Azeemiyya and Salat al-Faraj al-‘Ajib wa al-Fath al-Qarib:
“Our shaykh, the knower of Allah, the exalted, our master Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari, Allah be pleased with him says, “The murid must say the salat al-azeemiyya everyday. As for the one who is not busy, he does it as much as possible. As for the one who is busy with work it is read 5 times. And in all of that it revolves on ones’ ability.” *note the five times indicates to once after each salat*


As for the salat al-Faraj al-‘Ajib wa al-Fath al-Qarib it is composed by the knower of Allah, Sayyidi Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari, and its virtue is known by its name. There is nothing faster than it in removing worries and relieving problems and giving expanse in provision. As for its share in the realm of spiritual elevation and ascent, its secret is in the swift and near opening and its connectedness to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ with his assurance ﷺ. It is read 5 times (i.e. once after each salah) or as much as one can.


The knower of Allah Sayyidi Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari says, “If your nafs disobeys and opposes you and turns away from the virtues, it is incumbent on you to increase in your sending prayers and peace on the Prophet of repentance ﷺ , because when you increase in prayers and peace upon him ﷺ you will arrive, and when you arrive Allah will relent to you and show you mercy.”


The bounty for the murid when reading the Azeemiyya and the Salat al-Faraj is to bring to mind the reality of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, with a presence of mind with certainty that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is in front of him. Then he witnesses his noble form ﷺ with his heart, which corresponds with what has come in the prophetic narrations. He then gathers between the presence of mind and this witnessing to obtain “barring” and “gathering”. The “barring” is to bar the soul from imagining or witnessing anything else other than him ﷺ and the “gathering” is that your soul meets with him ﷺ in the state that you are in.”