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Be Humble

Shaykh Salih advises the murid in his book, The Urgent Provision for the Idle Souls:

When your nafs speaks to you and says to you that you are better than your brothers or that you know the unseen or that you are a shaykh, know that this is delusion and do not turn to it, and be humble towards your brothers.

As Shaykh Abu Madyan said,

Accompany them and have adab in their gatherings

And make your lot being behind, whenever they [try to] put you forward

And from their statements (the Sufis), Allah be pleased with them:

Whoever sits with the awliya and the thought comes to him that he is one of them, he becomes debarred from their blessing. Therefore, do not see yourself, regarding your brothers, except as the least of them. By that perhaps Allah will grant blessings on you, as He bestows favors on the broken-hearted and humble.