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Prayers to Facilitate Ease


Shaykh Salih speaking of the supplications: The Opener of Locks (Fatiha al-Aqfal) , The Supplication for Near Ease (Dawat al-Yusr al-Qarib), and the Procurement of Relief (Jalibat al-Faraj) states that he saw his shaykh, Sayyid Abd al-Aali the son of shaykh Ahmad b. Idris, in a dream.
Shaykh Salih said to him, ” Teach me a supplication which facilitates ease in ones’ affairs.”
Shaykh Abd al-Aali turned to him and said “Where is the poetry you composed that leads to Tawhid?”
Shaykh Salih then states, “It occurred to my mind that [he meant] these poems.”

The poems can be found here Special Prayers