New release: Paperback Edition of al-Salawat al-Ja’fariyya (Arabic)

“And my salawat shower down like rain,
Never ending, fully quenching
I personally serve him who recites them,
Like a mother concerned with her child”


New Paperback release of al-Salawat al-Ja’fariyya (Arabic only).

Shaykh Abdul Ghani al-Ja’fari states:
“When you know, O’ our brother,…the value of the prayer on the Prophet ﷺ, during the prayer and outside it, you will be in a state of longing to be acquainted with the salawat of our shaykh and teacher, and nurturer of our souls, our master, the knower of Allah, the exalted, Sayyidi Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari. And when you long to quench your thirst from the sealed pitcher of its drink and inhale the fragrance of its musk and perfume, and obtain from its outpouring and secrets, and to adorn yourself in a garment of its lights and perfume, for you is this book (i.e. the Salawat).

Therefore, adopt them,…reflect upon their meanings and secrets and inhale their scent and aroma and enter into the realm of their sanctity and lights. Indeed, Allāh the exalted, has made for you, through them, an opening from every deprivation, a way out from every worry. And by reading them, by the permission of Allāh, the Exalted, the reader has a relief from difficulties, forgiveness from sins, increase in reward and elevation to the highest ranks.”

Can be purchased here: al-salawat al-ja’fariyya