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Treasures of Remembrance


The Treasure of Remembrance is a collection of adhkar utilized by the Ja’fari spiritual path, primarily for our weekly gatherings, along with a few supplemental supplications important for the spiritual nourishment of the student. We are publishing this work to also benefit the general Muslim audience who are not affiliated to the Ja’fari spiritual path, as was the habit of Shaykh Salih to benefit the Muslims in the most comprehensive way possible.

The core material of the text consists of “The Treasure of Felicity” (Kanz al-Sa’ada) which is a collection of dua and adhkar composed by the knower of Allah, al-Sayyid Ahmad ibn Idris.

Regarding the Treasure of Felicity Shaykh Salih encourages its recitation in one of his poems:

So strive, may you be given success brother, and enter the gathering

so you may recite with the brothers Kanz al-Sa’ada

For in it there are secrets that are too great to be counted

and its supplications are a treasure for the people of the path

And the “Treasure of Ja’fari Breezes” (Kanz al-Nafahat), commonly know as the 40 Salawat al-Ja’fariyya. Concerning them our master Shaykh Abdul-Ghani al-Ja’fari states:

These salawat are in reality a treasure of openings and a means to felicity in the dunya and the akhira. It is composed of 40 forms of prayers and peace on our master and leader, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Although our Shaykh, the Imam, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari, Allah be pleased with him, wrote them when young and at the beginning of his affair, they are signs of the openings, proofs of the spiritual outpourings and the height of aspiration and passionate love for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. And what shines upon them and manifests from them is that which confounds the intellects and overwhelms the perceptions of the first and the last. These salawat are tried and tested as a means to fulfill needs and to realize the reformation of both the worldly and otherworldly affairs. Above that is what is in them in terms of perfect connection to the presence of the Prophet ﷺ. And what’s more, is we counsel some of our children who are students and other than them who have a busy lifestyle, to suffice themselves with them. As what is in them is a sufficient provision and fulfilling litany for whoever persists in it. Due to the importance of this treasure (al-Kanz) we have arranged it as a part of our hadra every Sunday night between Maghrib and ‘Isha.

While these collections are often used as a part of the weekly congregational litanies, they can be read as a part of one’s individual daily practice. We ask Allah to accept it and it be a means of benefit for the readers.

Amazon: The Treasures of Remembrance