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Visiting Ahl al-Bayt


Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari mentions in vol 9 of the Friday Lessons:

Allah has given the people of pure soul spiritual gifts in order that they see the secrets (asrar), and the people of those gifts, their souls speak with each other.

When we enter the maqam of our master, Imam al-Husayn, we see a light like the sun. We asked the Imam: ‘What is this light?’ He responded: ‘This is the light of my grandfather, al-Mustafa ﷺ.’

When you enter on him, verily he sees you by the grace and will of Allah, and the light covers you by the grace and will of Allah, and to the measure of what Allah pours upon you and to the measure of your state you will see, taste, and understand. He, by the grace and will of Allah, sees you from his station with his Lord and you see him from your state and to the extent of your state.

Divine gifts! If you say, ‘as salaam alaikum.’ He returns your greeting, by the grace and will of Allah, and if you ask him, he answers, by the grace and will of Allah, and if you make tawassul by him to Allah, you will be answered, by the grace and will of Allah.

He, the Exalted, says:

And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them – that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. They receive good tidings of favor from Allah and bounty and [of the fact] that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost. (Quran 3:169-171)

and ,

And when you look there, you will see pleasure and great dominion. (Quran 76:20)

Every person has two cloaks, the cloak of the visible body which we see and the cloak of the soul which we do not see. Only the possessor of the soul perceives it. From the gifts Allah grants to the Messengers, Prophets, saints and righteous is they can see the souls.

The cloak of the soul, by righteous actions, is purified; its fragrance spreads; its value becomes high; and its worth is elevated. And by evil actions, contraventions, disobendience, and not following the Shari’a, it becomes filthy; its smell putrid; its worth falls; and its value decreases.

Our master Imam al-Husayn (Allah be pleased with him) when you enter with the two cloaks -the cloak of the physical, visible body that you know and the cloak of the immaterial, subtle soul- by the grace and will of Allah, the Imam sees it from his rank with his Lord, ta’ala.

And you are giving blessing (baraka) by visiting him, and his lights and secrets cover you. You leave his presence pure, clean, and energetic. Thus, you make wudu, pray and do pious and good deed and your state is rectified. This is from the manifest blessings of the Ahl al-Bayt.